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How Long Does it Take to Close the Gaps Between Your Teeth?

Blog:How Long Does it Take to Close the Gaps Between Your Teeth?

How Long Does it Take to Close the Gaps Between Your Teeth?

The most common gap that comes to mind when you talk about a gap in your teeth is the one between the front two teeth. Also called diastema, it is the only gap most cultures consider a mark of beauty. However, having gaps between your other teeth is not ideal. It does not add to your beauty and affects your facial aesthetics.

Gaps between your teeth also affect the function and health of the mouth. They can occur because of several reasons. But whatever the cause, dentists can remedy the situation most of the time. So, what causes teeth gaps? What do gaps between teeth cause? How long does it take to close the gaps? Read on to learn more about teeth gaps.

Causes of Teeth Gaps

  • Natural misalignment of teeth as they grow.

  • Growing too many teeth causes the other teeth to shift from their ideal positions.

  • Losing teeth creates gaps and may cause other teeth to shift to try to cover the space, creating more gaps.

  • Losing baby teeth before their time causes permanent teeth to grow improperly.

  • Having smaller teeth that do not touch causes gaps to appear between them.

  • An overdeveloped jawbone that the teeth you have been unable to fill correctly lead to gaps developing between the teeth.

  • An enlarged tongue causes the flaring of teeth, leading to gaps.

  • Advanced gum disease causes loss of teeth and bone mass, resulting in gaps between the teeth.

Why Are Gaps Between Teeth Bad?



Gum Health


When you have gaps between your teeth, the gums between those teeth are unprotected. Hard food can get between the teeth and harm the gums. It means you may be dealing with mouth sores frequently, which is not good for your gum health.

Dental Issues


Exposed teeth tend to collect more plaque between them, which may also be difficult for the toothbrush to reach. You may find that gaps predispose you to a bad dental state. Your teeth are likely to develop cavities between them. Your teeth may suffer from tooth decay and bad breath.



Gaps in your teeth affect the aesthetics of your smile. You cannot smile as confidently as you would like. A smile is one of the most important aspects of beauty in humans.

How to Correct Gaps in Teeth, and How Long Does It Take?


Three main options are available to correct gaps between teeth. 



Braces are the oldest solution available to correct gaps between teeth. Orthodontists fit you with braces, and they tighten them over time. The adjustments pull your teeth closer to each other, closing the gaps. How long it will take will depend on the distance between the teeth. On average, you will need braces for about two years or more.



It is the latest technology that helps correct gaps. It is excellent for minor adjustments and is a popular option because it is almost invisible. Invisalign can take anywhere between 12 and 18 months to work.

Dental Implants


If you have gaps between your teeth because of missing teeth, you may need implants to close them. The time it takes for implants to close gaps will depend on factors like bone health and the number of teeth replaced.

For more on how long it takes to close the gaps between your teeth, visit SmileOn Dentistry at our office in Marina Del Rey, California. Call (310) 822-0202 to book an appointment today.

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